Sunday, September 8, 2013

Classroom Tour 2012-2013

As promised, I am back with a classroom tour. This was actually my classroom in May of last school year. I thought you'd rather see these than walls with no student work on it yet. 

So this is the view of the front of the class from the door. I have them sit in table groups.

This is from the front door showing the back of the room. BTW ... those 3 cabinets back there are the ONLY storage cabinets I have!! My handsome husband lets me store things in his garage though. ;)

This is a view of the wall that the door is on.  I love this huge window because I can see when the principal is coming. lol. The U-table is where I do all my interventioning. Oh and sidenote on those mailboxes:: See how I had to add 3 trays because I had 33 kiddos last year?! Yeah, well this year because California is FINALLY looking a little better money wise, we get to go back down to 27 or 28. PTL!

A close up of the window. I changed the numbers after I made some cuter ones for this year. I'll share later. The greenhouses from Lakeshore are my fav! I found a few sets in their warehouse. ((yes, I said warehouse. I am a very lucky teacher to have one of the two in the country on my way home from work -- convenient yet VERY very dangerous))

Writing Wall

My district uses SRAs Imagine It! and we have to have what's called a Concept/Question board. It's kinda like a themed board that the kids can post on. I also have my reading area here. My mission is to make this library a little more inviting. It's kind of sad looking in my opinion.

Math wall. This is also the corner where all my literacy center activities for the kids are housed. 

Behavior chart, drawing/coloring grading scale, and class rules. I also have another wall up there to display work. 

It's kind of hard to see but the white strips on his hat have word families written on them. 

 I have always wanted a tree, so this year I gave myself one. The project is from some cute blogger out there... I can't remember who. Please let me know so I can credit them.

High Frequency Word Wall and some classroom news.

Calendar stuff. I love using the songs and Zero the Hero stuff from Kathleen at Growing Kinders.

picture of the board. nothing fancy here.

center cards on red chart, projector cart, big book stand, and pocket chart.

Teacher corner... Behind the blue pocket chart in the last picture is my bookcase with TEs and M-F tubs... again from the Lakeshore warehouse. I would pay full price for these though! Loooove them! I know the wall looks a little cluttered but I love putting up all the little notes and pictures my kidlets give me through the year. 

Here is the other window on the door wall. You can see the writing table, my little teacher corner, and the birthday balloons.

 Writing table and can I please vent to all the ocd teachers out there?! I know you are noticing it and it drives me insane DAILY! My filing cabinets don't match! eeek! I asked if I could paint them and they told me no. :( 

Okay so I hope you enjoyed the tour and will keep checking back in with me. I really have missed blogging with all you out there! 


  1. have a child centered classroom! There work is your wall art-love it!

  2. Your room looks great!! I can tell that you are very organized and have spent a lot of time making a wonderful learning environment for your students.
    Connie Anderson:)
    Welcome To First Grade Room 5

  3. I'm posting a link to this blog on my professional portfolio as an example of the way I would like to set out my classroom. It looks lovely. I hope that's ok!

  4. Ms. Male, Nice Post!

  5. Love to see this kind of post where teachers share their experiences and thoughts. Best Essay Writing Service Online

  6. Its amazing !! I just google to find some ideas for my classroom and it led to your blog. Great work and well organised.
